Bob Kowalczyk
President & Founder

As a die casting engineer with more than 35 years of experience in prototype and low volume casting production, I have a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges you, as a designer, face.

How much time will your prototype part require?

That is the nagging question, especially when it comes down to crunch time. Every prototyper has a story about speedy turn-around of a prototype casting project and he may assure you that record turn-around of your casting is not a problem. But be careful about accepting this kind of promotional bravado at face value, especially if you are banking the success of your project on a record turn-around because you have run out of time.

Did your part overheat in prototype testing?

Having your part fail in prototype testing may seem like a minor catastrophe, but in reality it is a blessing in disguise. It is better to discover part weaknesses in the prototype process than in the production process, with hundreds, if not thousands of parts out in the marketplace. After all, prototyping is done to test the design.

How long does it take to produce a prototype casting?

Well, that’s a good question and the answer you get will vary. Some folks will tell you it will take four to six or maybe even eight weeks to deliver prototype castings. They could be right. Some jobs are more challenging than others. But what you, as a designer, need to know is that when someone tells you, “I can have this prototype casting for you in about four to six weeks..” I would suggest you make a few more phone calls.

What is the real purpose of your prototype?

If this seems like a silly question, it’s not. We all know that prototypes are created to accomplish a variety of things such as testing the mechanical strength of a part, measuring heat dissipation characteristics, fit and whatever else may be required to ensure the success of the design before it goes into production.

Lost in translation

Have you ever wondered what makes one vendor an absolutely terrific asset to your company and another vendor is just run-of-the-mill? Your vendor’s expertise in specific areas such as prototyping can be your insurance policy for new product success.

You need how many parts by when?

Once in a while all the time you thought you had to get a part out of design, through prototype, testing and into production just evaporated. The deadline for required production parts is approaching like a speeding train and you are in a real time-crunch. If you’ve been there before, you know it’s not where you want to be. So is there a way out when caught in this time dilemma?

Aluma Cast offers a unique blend of artistry in metals and engineering expertise. The result is a deep appreciation and understanding of the designer’s work and the challenges he faces. Knowing that design changes are integral to the design/prototyping process, we make every effort to work with you to allow for changes ensure a successful end product.

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