Here are some of the advantages of releasing your part files to the prototype supplier before you complete the design.
Releasing the part files to the prototype supplier before the design is finalized assumes that you haven’t waited until the very last minute to choose the prototype supplier. This can save you time, especially in the critical final stages before product launch. By collaborating with the prototype supplier early on, you give him a heads-up as to when the design will be finished, when sample castings will be needed, and how many. This avoids the inevitable scramble at the 11th hour as well as the potential for mistakes caused by haste. Early preparation also respects the prototype supplier’s need for lead-time in his production schedule. Give him enough time to do the best job with time to spare in case everything does not go according to plan.
Early release of your design also suggests that you are bringing the prototype supplier into the process to spot potential pitfalls. This, by the way, is a good way to evaluate your prototype supplier’s expertise and commitment. A sharp prototype supplier may identify potential issues with the design that could undermine prototyping and production success. Having the prototype supplier review the design from a production perspective a little earlier than usual allows time for adjustments as needed. Remember, prototyping is done for a number of reasons, not the least of which is to avoid making a “CLE” (career limiting error). While you focus on finishing the design for the part, let the prototype supplier focus on the production aspects. By working together, you will save time, money and potential headaches.
At Alumacast our experience has shown that early collaboration with the designer reduces stress at crunch time and results in a smoother process and assured success.