Bob Kowalczyk
President & Founder

As a die casting engineer with more than 35 years of experience in prototype and low volume casting production, I have a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges you, as a designer, face.

Virtually all prototypes are exceedingly time sensitive, some more so than others. It is important for the prototype supplier and design engineer to talk about time lines early in the developmental process. Holding back releasing the prototype build until the last minute, for whatever reason, is not beneficial to a successful prototyping process. The earlier you can bring the prototype supplier into your confidence the better for everyone.

There are often very good reasons for not releasing a design for prototype production. As a prototype supplier, you will be ahead of the game if you level with your prototyping source and lay all your concerns out on the table. Believe me, I am just as interested as you to make sure that your prototype is a resounding success.

We can and will work 24 hours a day to get a prototype done if you absolutely need the part in record time. But, it will cost more. Also, as you know from your own experience, when you are rushed the likelihood of mistakes increases. And when the time available to get the job done is curtailed, then there is also less time to think something through and to deal with unforeseen events.

At times the casting is the pacing item. At other times it is not. Some people will present their part as though it were the pacing item even when it is not. They’ll ask for it in a protracted timeframe. So to be on the safe side they tell the prototype supplier they have to have the part much sooner than they really do. The prototype supplier may have to really scramble and work overtime to get the prototype done only to find out after the fact that the imposed urgency wasn’t necessary. This is generally due to a lack of trust between the designer or buyer and the prototype supplier. The solution is for the prototyper and designer to start working together long before the project release crunch time. The designer can gain valuable insight that will not only expedite the prototyping process but could also help improve the production efficiency of his part.

Aluma Cast offers a unique blend of artistry in metals and engineering expertise. The result is a deep appreciation and understanding of the designer’s work and the challenges he faces. Knowing that design changes are integral to the design/prototyping process, we make every effort to work with you to allow for changes ensure a successful end product.

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