Bob Kowalczyk
President & Founder

As a die casting engineer with more than 35 years of experience in prototype and low volume casting production, I have a deep appreciation and understanding of the challenges you, as a designer, face.

It is not uncommon for a part to be designed for fabrication only to find that it is more economical to cast the part, especially when quantities are needed.

Shifting from fabrication to casting for the production of a part is no small decision especially once all the production drawings are completed. What seemed like the right decision early on becomes obviously wrong. So what is the most efficient way to change direction at such a late stage?

Some prototypers, such as Aluma Cast, are capable of redesigning your part from fabrication to casting production. How do you determine whether it is better to fabricate a part or cast it. These are all case-by-case determinations based on the complexity of the part, size, production quantities and so forth. Production decisions made at the onset of the design process may seem absolutely correct at that moment in time, and later may prove incorrect. It is therefore advisable to revisit the production decision for a part throughout the design process to make sure that the early decision is still valid as you get closer to the completion of the project.

Aluma Cast offers a unique blend of artistry in metals and engineering expertise. The result is a deep appreciation and understanding of the designer’s work and the challenges he faces. Knowing that design changes are integral to the design/prototyping process, we make every effort to work with you to allow for changes ensure a successful end product.

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